08 ledna 2013

Do you often visit your relatives?

3. Do you often visit your relatives?
Out of my relatives I have always loved my grandmother who lives in a village in the south of Moravia. My brother, sister and I and most of my cousins used to spend our holidays there. We could play in the large garden, in the loft and the cellar full of old things, or in the nearby forest. I still keep in touch with her. My grandmother is a widow, my granddad died five years ago. We visit her regularly, especially at Christmas or when it’s her birthday. My granny bakes the tastiest buns I have ever eaten. I see the rest of my relatives very rarely; only when it’s someone’s birthday and there is a party, or when I for example go to Prague I can stay at my aunt’s who lives there. But I really don’t like the obligatory visits when the whole family is invited by a relative for lunch. I usually prefer to come up with an excuse like an already arranged trip, etc.

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